Why focus on strengths?

Are you looking to increase productivity and engagement in your employees while reducing the turnover in your workforce? Shifting your focus – from coaching your people through their weaknesses, to recognising and working with their strengths – is an extremely effective way to transform your organisation. As a strengths coach and people specialist, I want to empower you to recognise, understand and work with the strengths of the people in your business.

What are the benefits?

Put simply – Words Create Worlds. When your employees can focus on how they naturally do best, they thrive and create an environment of progress, growth, and improvement. Equally the opposite is true for the downward spiral created by focussing on weaknesses. This shift towards a constructive recognition of strengths lead to a positive impact on the performance and success of your people and teams. By focusing on what your employees are good at, you give them the opportunity to improve their confidence, productivity, motivation, time management, creativity, and performance. That’s not an inflated claim – a study by Gallup showed that people who use their strengths every day are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life and six times more likely to be engaged at work. They are also on average 8% more productive, and 15% less likely to leave your organisation.

What does this mean for your business?

In three decades of working in SMEs and owner-managed businesses, and now running my own business, I have seen for myself the benefits of focusing on strengths when managing and supporting both individuals and teams. Encouraging employees to work to their strengths gives them increased confidence in their abilities. They are more likely to feel secure in their roles and have the confidence to push themselves and take on new challenges. Focusing on their strengths enables them to perform well in appropriate tasks and produce high-quality work. Employees working to their strengths are likely to be more productive because they are being asked to perform tasks in a way that comes naturally to them. Their work becomes more efficient and effective, freeing up more time for other members of the team that target their strengths. When your employees enjoy what they do, they will be more motivated to do it well. Working to their strengths allows them to enjoy their work and gives them greater motivation to perform at their best. And when they work to their strengths, they are more likely to be able to manage their time effectively. Time management becomes easier as they prioritise and delegate tasks more efficiently, leaving them to focus on the things that require their attention. Working to their strengths can also empower employees to be creative. When they are working on something they are good at, your people and teams are more likely to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. Producing work that is unique and valuable can help your teams and your business stand out from the crowd. Supporting your employees to work to their strengths improves performance. Employees are more likely to be engaged in their work, to perform well and to achieve success when they are given the opportunity to focus on tasks and roles that come naturally to them. The evidence is clear – a positive, strengths-based outlook and culture can produce a positive, engaged, high-performing workforce.

The next step

Focusing on the strengths of your employees is a core value of my People EcosystemTM model. To see how I can help you empower your people to work to their strengths contact Strength in People today.

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